XII Anniversary of Valencia Excellence

On November 8, the XII Anniversary of Valencia Excellence was held in Valencia, an event that includes the best of the Valencian Luxury, Culture, Gastronomy and Business Fashion. The event was held in the emblematic Plaza del Patriarca of Valencia. A key moment to make known and form synergies among the attendees.

Il baco da seta Women's fashion store online did not want to miss the occasion and was part of the group of businesses that support Valencia Excellence. All establishments are defined by the same line: their high quality and range products.

However, Laura Gallego, the general secretary of Valencia Excellence was bluntly in need of attracting the local public "must be aware that the Valencians consume in the city"Galician sentenced. This sentence had the approval of the Regidor of Comerç del Ajuntament de València, Carlos Galiana who communicated his support for this association and Sergio Bellentani, of the Valencian Agència del Turisme.

The Valencia Excellence group consists of: Antonio Romero, Azabache By Pura Garcia, Carafffa, Rahal Clinic, Clinica Dr. Mira, Il Baco da Seta, Save My Bag, Loewe, Lolo: Children , Valencia Luxury, Acosta, Triggo, Senchermes, Medialanum, Segtempo, Shiras Art Gallery, Jewelry 7 Gallery, Ridaura Clinic, English Court, Hannover, Identis, Hugo Boss, Ferragamo, Dental Clinic Pons Soria.