Service terms
These general conditions of sale are strictly applied to all sales of products made in Spain, including the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands by IL BACO DA SETAS.L.U, with C.I.F. Number B- 98949423, hereinafter Il Baco Da Seta, bound for natural persons.
All request made to Il Baco Da Seta It necessarily implies as an essential, decisive and essential condition, the unreserved acceptance by the client of the general conditions of sale of Il Baco Da Seta in force on the day the corresponding order is carried out. In addition, the client recognizes that the acceptance of these conditions will imply the application of these to the request to which they refer, as well as any subsequent request, with the exception of those cases in which new conditions are put in their knowledge by Il Baco Da Seta.
The prices published in Il Baco Da Seta They are in euros and are in force except typographic error. All prices carry the VAT included applicable on order day, any VAT rate change will be applied automatically to the prices of products for sale in Il Baco Da Seta.
Offers on products for sale in Il Baco Da Seta They will be displayed in the “Promotions” section or will be indicated in the product file and, if the opposite is not indicated, they will be valid while displayed on the screen.
The offers presented by Il Baco Da Seta They are valid within the limit of available stocks. Il Baco Da Seta It reserves the right to modify the assortment of products based on the difficulties imposed by its suppliers.
Photographs, graphics and descriptions of the products proposed to sale are only orientative and do not compromise the seller in any way Il Baco Da Seta.