Legal notice
Web title
The domain name,, is registered in favor of Il Baco Da Seta S.L.U, registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia, volume 10381, folio 207, registration 1, sheet V-178598, with CIF B-98949423. The registered office ofIl Baco Da SetaIt is established, for the purposes of this legal notice, in the C/ Isabel la Católica 16, 46004 Valencia.
Denomination | Il Baco Da Seta S.L.U |
NIF | B- 98949423 |
Address | Isabel la Católica Street, 16, 46004 Valencia |
Phone | 963 941 789 | |
Acceptance of conditions of use
This legal notice and conditions of use, as well as the privacy policy and the policy of cookies, govern the access and use of the web on your part when using it.
The fact of using the web assumes that you have read and accept this legal information.
Web content
The website housed under the domain name constitutes a corporate website that offers information about products and services.
Web use
When using the web, you promise to make a correct and legal use of the content and the resources accessible from this website, always respecting the other users.
When using the website, you give up any resource or information contained on this website for illicit, illegal or opposite purposes of good faith and public order, as well as any means that may harm, disable or prevent the normal use of resources and information contained on the web, or information systems, documents, files and all kinds of content stored in any web computer equipmentIl Baco Da Seta or any other web user.
If you fail any of these obligations, you must respond to all the damages that cause.
The webIl Baco Da Seta reserves the right to stop providing the service to withdraw the illegal contents, without prejudice to the responsibility for damages that could be derived. Said suspension or withdrawal will not entitle any compensation.
Contents and services linked through the web
The links or links contained in this website can lead you to other websites managed by third parties, on which the websiteIl Baco Da Seta It has no responsibility, so it does not respond to the State or the contents of these website nor does it imply that you recommend them or approve its contents.
In any case, access to these websIl Baco Da Seta
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
All materials and information on the website of theIl Baco Da Seta They are subject to current regulations on intellectual and/or industrial property.
The webIl Baco Da Seta He is the holder of the intellectual property rights of the web, as well as the contents it houses.
Therefore, the use of the contents of the web is not allowed without the express and written authorization of Il Baco Da Seta. Any use of the web or its contents must have a particular purpose.
The elements, such as logos or images that appear on the web, outside the webIl Baco Da Seta They belong to their respective owners, so they will be responsible for any possible dispute that could arise with respect to them.
If you have any questions regarding the property of any of the contents or services offered through the web, do not hesitate to contact the webIl Baco Da Seta To help you.
Exoneration of responsibility
The webIl Baco Da Seta will ensure, to the extent of its own technical and human resources for the proper functioning of the web as well as because its content is correct and truthful.
However the webIl Baco Da Seta It cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements, introduced by third parties, which could cause damage or alterations in the computer system, in electronic documents or in your files when you visit the website.
The webIl Baco Da Seta It is not responsible for:
- The damages derived from the misuse of this website or any action carried out based on the information that appears on the web.
- The errors or omissions that could appear in the contents of the web.
- The losses or damage caused in the software and computer equipment of the users or third parties for the breach of these conditions of use by your part, or for failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the service of the web before or during the provision of it.
It corresponds, as a user, to have the appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.
Update of these conditions
The webIl Baco Da Seta It informs you that these conditions of use, the rest of the legal texts and in general, any element that is part of the design and configuration of the web, may be modified by changing this way, the update date that appears in the header of the legal information.
The new effects produced by the modification will be launched once published on the web, so it is important that you accept the link to the conditions applicable to the web at each time.
Legislation and applicable jurisdiction
These conditions of use will be governed and interpreted according to Spanish legislation and any dispute related to the website of theIl Baco Da Seta It will be processed before the Spanish jurisdiction.
Information related to the online dispute resolution of Art. 14, para. 1 of the ODR (online dispute resolution regulation):
The European Commission offers consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes according to Art. 14, para. 1 of the ODR on one of its platforms. The platform ( It serves as a website in which consumers can try to reach agreements without going to trial related to disputes that arise in online purchase and contract contracts.