How much weight load every day?
Yesterday, like every Saturday, I was hearing the press and I found an article that highlights the lightness of Save My Bag bags. I share it with all of you. In yesterday edition Saturday in the magazine Good life of the newspaper El País.
How much weight charges every day?
In order to bring bag not a risk activity, according to the Physiotherapy College of Madrid, "its weight does not exceed 5% of who carries it." If you weigh 60 kilos, you cannot exceed 3 kilos. To fulfill this rule, it is convenient to get those that empty are ultraligeros. Those of the Save My Bag weigh less than a small water bottle (between 100 and 500 grams); They are of a polythejid similar to the neoprene.
Conclusion that I take from the article; In addition to being a design bag, very combinable, washable in the washing machine, its use is also recommended for its lightness.