Legal Bases of the draw "Mou boots" on Instagram

The company Il Baco Da Seta, with a registered office in Isabel la Católica 16 Valencia and NIF B98949423, hereinafter "the company", organizes the draw called "Mou Boots" Draw, hereinafter "the draw", with the aim of promoting participation and gaining followers in the company's Instagram account.

1. Participation conditions:

1.1 All people over 18, legal residents in Spain, who follow the participation instructions published in the company's Instagram account during the participation period during the participation period, will participate in the draw.
1.2 The employees of the company and their direct relatives are excluded from the participation.

2. Duration of the raffle:

The period of participation in the raffle will begin the October 3, 2024 and will end October 17, 2024 At 23:59 hours (CET).

3. Participation mechanics:

3.1 To participate in the raffle, users must meet the following requirements in the official publication of the Instagram raffle:

  • Like the publication.
  • Follow the company's Instagram account.
  • Mention friends in the comments (each mention will count as an additional participation).
  • Share the publication in its Instagram stories labeling the company account.

3.2 The company reserves the right to disqualify fraudulent, incorrect or that do not meet the requirements established in these legal bases.

4. Prize:

4.1 Prize: The prize consists of a couple of Mou boots at the choice of the winner within the store of the store, subject to the availability of sizes at the time of the election.
4.2 The prize is personal and non -transferable and may not be exchanged for its cash value or for another different prize.
4.3 In the event that the selected model or size is not available, an alternative model of equal or higher value will be offered within the store catalog.

5. Winning selection:

5.1 The winner will be randomly selected through a random raffle tool on Instagram, the day October 17, 2024.
5.2 The winner selection will be broadcast live on Instagram to guarantee the transparency of the process.
5.3 The winner will be contacted through a private message on Instagram within a maximum period of 48 hours after the selection.

6. Winner's communication:

6.1 The winner will be announced live during the transmission of the draw on the company's Instagram account and will be contacted by private message.
6.2 If the winner does not respond within a period of 48 hours From the first contact attempt, a new winner will be selected through the same random selection process.

7. Protection of personal data:

7.1 Participation in the raffle implies the acceptance of the company's privacy policy and the processing of the personal data of the participants in accordance with the European Data Protection regulations (General Data Protection Regulation - RGPD).
7.2 Treatment Responsible: Il Baco Da Seta, residing in [Company Directorate], he will be responsible for the processing of personal data collected during the participation in the raffle.
7.3 Purpose of the treatment: Personal data is collected with the sole purpose of managing participation in the raffle, communicating the result to the participants and, where appropriate, making the prize. Additionally, the data may be used to send commercial information on products and promotions of the company, provided that the participant has given their express consent for it.
7.4 Legitimation: The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the consent of the participant, granted by following the instructions for participation on Instagram.
7.5 Data conservation: The personal data of the participants will be kept during the time necessary to manage the raffle and, once finished, they will remain blocked during the period of prescription of the legal actions that could be derived. In the case of having granted their consent to receive commercial communications, the data will be kept until the participant requests the decline of said shipments.
7.6 Rights of the participant: Participants may exercise their rights of access, rectification, suppression, limitation of treatment, portability and opposition, sending a written application to the email address [company email] or by postal mail to the aforementioned address. In the event that the participant considers that their rights have not been properly respected, he has the right to submit a claim to the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (
7.7 Data transfer: Personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except for legal obligation, nor will they be transferred outside the European economic space.

8. Exoneration of responsibility:

8.1 Instagram exoneration: This raffle is not sponsored, endorsed, administered or associated in any way with Instagram.
8.2 Use of the Mou brand: Any mention to the Mou brand is held exclusively with the purpose of describing the prize offered in the draw. Il Baco Da Seta Do not claim any affiliation, association or support by MOU and undertakes not to use the brand so that it can lead to confusion to the participants or the general public.

9. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction:

9.1 These legal bases are governed by Spanish legislation.
9.2 For any litigation that could be derived from the interpretation or execution of these bases, the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and courts of Valencia, expressly renunciation of any other jurisdiction that could correspond to them.